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Screenshot 2019-07-29 at 11.33.13 p.m..p
Screenshot 2019-07-29 at 11.33.17 p.m..p


This puzzle at the South Puget Community College was fun, but unfortunately is also where I believe I left my favourite water bottle that's traveled with me around the world for 2 years. 


This puzzle was a video that had six changes when the camera zoomed in. The first time the camera zoomed in, the calendar changed from January to February off camera. The second change was that one of the chairs changed from black to white. The changes continued in that fashion, not too obvious but not too hidden. Once we got all the changes and indexed into the word of the change, we got the code word "change".


After putting the solution into Spiderdog, we got the next location - Olympia Farmer's Market!

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